W i n e m a k e r s b y P a s s i o n

A b o u t u s

Il Pianzio is the story of four generations. A unique, exclusive history that belongs to us and which we jealously preserve. We produce DOC wine from the Euganean Hills and extra virgin olive oil, which we sell directly in our wine cellar.

the valley of Pianzio
O u r w i n e s
Our wines speak of the Euganean Hills and the valley – the Pianzio Valley – in which they are born. They are an expression of the unique microclimate found here and of the different soils, limestone and volcanic, that characterise the area.
We invite you to discover them

Fior d’Arancio DOCG Colli Euganei
The grape variety is the yellow Muscat, Sirio, an aromatic wine par excellence, present in the territory since time immemorial.

red wines
Cabernet Sauvignon "Jenio" DOC
Colli Euganei
The name of this wine is a tribute to our father Eugenio who, with the sweat of his work and dedication to the vineyard, was able to pass on to us his passion for the “Good Earth”.

sparkling wines
Serprino Frizzante DOC Colli Euganei
It is not known whether the Glera grape called Serprino in the Euganean Hills is the progenitor of Prosecco or vice versa.

In our new tasting room, we will accompany you on a story of our wines, trying to convey to you the love of our work, our land, the wisdom of the winegrowers. Here you can buy our wine and oil.
A j o u r n e y t h r o u g h n a t u r e , s p i r i t u a l i t y a n d t a s t e

Latest News
N e w s & E v e n t i
Appointments with DiVino Gusto al Pianzio, our collaborations, local events in which we participate, some DiVinoConsiglio.

Two evenings in the valley of Il Pianzio for a gourmet aperitif at sunset.